Tuesday, 31 July 2012

LSHTM 2012 Showcase . . .

. . . Inspired by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.

An exhibition has been set up by the Archives Service displaying some of our rare historical treasures as well as offering an opportunity to learn about the current work and research being undertaken at the school.

 Within the main entrance some of the work from ‘the man who invented exercise’, Jerry Morris, is available to view. His research connected heart disease with inactivity. Later he continued to study sport and exercise, also influencing government policy on smoking, air pollution and inequalities in health. It was at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, that Jerry Morris, together with Ralph Paffenbarger , was awarded an Olympic Gold medal in recognition of his research in the science of sport and exercise.

You can also see the microscope, blood slides, mosquito boxes and notes of Sir Patrick Manson and Sir Ronald Ross used during their research into malaria. This includes the notebook in which Ross recorded the moment he discovered how malaria was transmitted.

Finally, in the Manson foyer you can discover the Radio series Gilded Vectors of Disease, which explores the vectors that adorn the exterior of the LSHTM building. Podcasts of the programmes can be accessed via the link below. 

The exhibition opens 1st August 2012 for two weeks and is also open to the general public. Further information can be found on the archives web page:

*Postcard was collected by Ronald Ross whilst studying malaria in Athens.

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