Friday, 2 November 2012


The Library has purchased a subscription to the Scopus database. It is available on any computer using the School network or via Remote Desktop. We are working with Scopus to provide access to all current staff and students via your network username and password as soon as possible.

Scopus is a multidisciplinary database covering: physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering etc), health sciences (medicine, nursing dentistry etc), social sciences (psychology, economics, business etc), life sciences (neuroscience, pharmacology, biology etc) and some arts and humanities content. Most coverage is in the physical and health sciences. Most journals are from Western Europe (47%) or North America (32%) but other geographical regions are covered. 21% of titles are non-English language sources ( English abstracts are provided).

Scopus also provides bibliometrics information. We have provided a spec sheet on Scopus detailing coverage, update frequency, search syntax and current awareness features.

The Library decided to subscribe to Scopus following positive feedback obtained in the free trial run in March 2012.

Please contact us if you have any comments or queries about Scopus, or leave a comment below.

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