Training for new MSc students available in the Library from 01 October.
What will I learn?
- How to deal with references: differentiating between a journal article, book, book chapter or report from a reading list;
- How to find items on a reading list in the Library, either in print or electronic;
- How to reserve and renew books;
- How to cite references in assignments and avoid plagiarism;
- Copyright and licensing restrictions on the use of third-party materials for educational purposes.
Where and when is the class?
The class is run twice each day, 1 - 5 October 2012 at either 13.00 - 14.00 or 17.30 - 18.30.
The class is held in the Library, 1st Floor, Keppel St.
You only need to come to one class, whichever is most convenient for you.
The class is held in the Library, 1st Floor, Keppel St.
You only need to come to one class, whichever is most convenient for you.
How do I sign up?
There is no need to sign up, just come along. Each class has spaces for 30 students which are allocated on a first-come basis.